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Always Remember To Back Up Your Template Before Attempting Any Of The Tweaks On This Site

Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template


Bulletin Board Code or BBCode is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. The available tags are usually indicated by square brackets surrounding a keyword, and they are parsed by the message board system before being translated into a markup language that web browsers understand—usually HTML or XHTML.

BBCode was devised to provide a safer, easier and more limited way of allowing users to format their messages. Previously, many message boards allowed the users to include HTML formatting, a side effect of which was that malformed HTML could disrupt the page's layout, or HTML could be used to run JavaScript leading to XSS attacks. Some implementations of BBCode have suffered problems related to the way they translate the BBCode into HTML, which could negate the security that was intended to be given by BBCode. An alternative is a properly written HTML filter (many of which are freely available).

Although the basic tags of BBCode are similar in most internet forum software, there is currently no standards document for BBCode and there are consequently many incompatible variants. Some variants are case-sensitive while others are not. Some variants have tags which highlight the formatting of HTML, ASP, PHP, SQL and other markup languages and programming languages.

Makes text bold.

Makes text italicized.

Underlines text.

Strikes out text.

Adds a glowing effect to text. This BBCode only works with MS Internet Explorer. This is not a standard feature in any other browser.

Adds a shadow effect to text. This BBCode only works with MS Internet Explorer. This is not a standard feature in any other browser.

Makes the text inside move in a marquee.

Preformats enclosed text.

[left]left align[/left]
Aligns enclosed items to the left.

Aligns enclosed items to the center.

[right]right align[/right]
Aligns enclosed items to the right.

Inserts a horizontal rule into a post or PM. Note there is no closing tag.

[size=10pt]font size[/size]
Adjusts the font size of the enclosed text.

[font=Verdana]font face[/font]
Used to change the font face of the enclosed text.

Inserts a link to an animated flash file in .swf format. Please be cautious when enabling this BBCode in your forum, since it may be a security risk.

Inserts an image into a post or personal message.

[url=http://somesite/]Site Name[/url]

Formats a URL in a or post personal message.


Formats an email address in a post or personal message.

Formats an FTP address in a= post or personal message.

Formats enclosed text as a superscript.

Formats enclosed text as a subscript.

Formats enclosed text in teletype format.

Used to insert a selection of code into a personal message or post.

[quote=Author link=http://somesite/]text[/quote]
Places enclosed text in a quote box.

[li]YaBB SE[/li]
Inserts items in list format.

Inserts a table. It can't be used alone, or it has no sense!

Inserts a row into a table. This BBCode can't be used alone.

Inserts a column into a table. This BBCode can't be used alone.

[abbr=exemlpi gratia]eg[/abbr]
Displays the full expression for the abbreviation on mouseover.

[acronym=Simple Machines Forum]SMF[/acronym]
Displays the full expression for the acronym on mouseover.


Parses HTML code. (Only Admins can use this)

[nobbc] [/nobbc]
Ignores bbcode formatting

Converts a Unix Timestamp into a time recognizable by people.

Makes a link that opens in the same window.

[url=#test]Link to anchor[/url]


  1. Hi ,

    How browser All understand bbcode for output

  2. BB code is really only used with forums and stuff like that. I am not a expert on BB code but I believe its more of a called for function then directly read by browsers. I believe they use PHP coding to assign variables to the BB code. Its not something you can just uses on your blog post and expect it to work.


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