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Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template

Removing Locked Gadgets

Sometimes you cant remove gadgets  because the designer of the template wants to keep the gadget there. Well you can remove them easy in the Edit HTML.

You will need to use a different method to Remove The Attribution1 Gadget AKA (Powered By Blogger) 

  •  Go to Design from your  Dashboard.
  • From Design go to Edit HTML.
  • Once your in Edit HTML Click Ctrl+F.
  • In the text bar that comes up type true.
  • Keep hitting next until you find the true that is associated with the gadget you want to remove.
<b:widget id='HTML1' locked='true' title='' type='HTML'/>
  • Now change the true to false. 
    • Example:
    <b:widget id='HTML1' locked='false' title='' type='HTML'/>
    • Now just save and go back to your Page Elements and remove this gadget as normal. 
    You can also t remove the full line of coding shown above if you feel comfortable doing so. Just make sure your removing the correct gadget.


    1. Thanks but this didn't work. Got an error - sorry deleted it before I thought to copy. HELP! Is there another way. Please would love to know.

    2. Should not be getting any error messages unless you are referring to a BX code in which has nothing to do with changing the code. Now if its not a bx code and is a coding error which will give detail on the problem then something your did was likely not correct. Be more helpful if you could give me the error you were getting when you tried this.

    3. Thanks this worked very well for me.

    4. Oh WOW, Its working..............

      I tried too many tricks but this one is owsome men.

      Thank you very much....:)

    5. It worked. Thank you.

    6. it worked thankyou.

    7. What do you mean it did not work? What type of gadget are you trying to remove?

    8. Pls is it possible to remove the comments icon... Pls help

    9. What do you mean by the "comments "icon"?

    10. it didn't work for me either. i'm trying to remove the gadget above the attribution and one to the right of my posts.

    11. Those gadgets should not be locked unless your using a 3rd party template.

    12. i thought i was using one that is offered by blogger. it's called awesome inc.

    13. I have answered my own question. I have just applied the logic you gave me for the first problem, and altered it to move the other boxes. Not sure why they were in the wrong place in the first instance, but it seems ok now.

    14. Hi,
      It removes the widget but it reappears the second time you log in.

    15. You must be talking about the Attribution gadget. You need to use a different method to remove that.

    16. Thanks it worked as told

    17. Hi!

      I need help. I'm using the Awesome template by Tina Chen. There are parts of the template that I cannot locate in the HTML code given my limited knowledge of it.

      I would like to delete the Pagelist item in particular. For this template, it's the link below every post that shows the links "home" "older post"

      Every time I delete it, blogger confirms that PageList1 widget is not on the current template and asks me whether I want to keep or delete the widget. I selected delete widget but when I check the HTML code again, the widget is back in the code. So far, nothing has worked. I would also like to delete the this line "Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)" which is right below the Pagelist item.

      I hope you can help me with this problem.

    18. What your referring to is not the PageList gadget but the post feed links. You can remove these by following the instructions on this link.

    19. Thanks so much, I was loosing my mind trying to figure out how to get rid of unwanted gadgets


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