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Always Remember To Back Up Your Template Before Attempting Any Of The Tweaks On This Site

Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template

Custom Font Styles (Blogger)

When changing font style you first need to identify what font you want to change. This will take a little knowledge in coding to figure out. I wish I was able to go over each area with you but their are so many templates this would be impossible to do.

Once you have identified the area you want to change, you can change it one of two ways.

Option 1:

Design--> Edit HTML--> Find location

Its best to change it in the /* Variable definitions section of your Edit HTML page to keep from messing up any of the Template Designer functions. If you want to change it directly in the CSS and not the Variables  then you should do Option 2.

Once you find which  section you want to change you may see something  like this below
<Variable name="body.font" description="Font" type="font"
         default="normal normal 13px 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, sans-serif" value="normal normal 13px 'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, sans-serif"/>
The value area is what you want to change do not tamper with the default section.

 The way this works is  Trebuchet MS  is the main font but if your computer or browser does not have that font package installed, it can not display Trebuchet MS. So it will display Trebuchet instead. And if that is not able to display it will use san-serif. 

 Make sure when changing the font you add in the proper commas, colons and prefix's.  Make sure you have the proper capitalization in the font names as well.
If you notice that Trebuchet MS  is displayed as 'Trebuchet MS'.  This is because it has a space in the font name. Anytime you see a space in a single font name you will need to close the name with quotations.

 Option 2: (This is another option and not a addition to option 1)

Design--> Template Designer--> Advanced--> Add CSS

You can click the link on the Add CSS to learn more about this option.

Now with this option you will be directly overriding specific section in your Edit HTML. Keep in mine Variable definitions  is not a proper code to use in the Add CSS function. What your looking for is the specific elements.

So to use the same font as we did before in the variable definition we would add something like this below in the CSS box.
body {
font-family: Trebuchet, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
font-style: normal;
Notice how I'm using font-family instead of font. This is a safer method to use because if the person viewing the blog does not have the selected font on their computer it will automatically display another font of the same family. Again you need to make sure you have the proper capitalization and quotations.

To learn more about CSS font and styles please refer to W3schools


  1. Can you paste these elements anywhere in the css box? as I tried and nothing changed

  2. The Variable coding at the top can not be used in Add CSS box. The second option can be used in the Add CSS box. However just simply pasting the font style in may not take affect. You will have to type a space or something for the Add CSS function to pick it up. Now keep in mind if you are using some custom font that your computer may not support the font style. If that is the cases then it will not display for you. You can download font package upgrades for your computer but keep in mind that not everyone will have those font packages. So that is why its safe to use a back up font. If you are still having trouble with this then show me the code you are trying to use.

  3. This is all chinese to me. I dont know how to find the part of the code that i need to replace, and I dont know if I need to replace all the like code in order for my texts to be written in the font that I want. I tried the second method and nothing happened. Comic sans is not that uncommon and I know that it is one that is on my computer. Sigh.....hit me again with some ideas. Or better yet, someone want to volunteer to insert this font for me?

  4. Well you might of wrote the code wrong. Comic sans and "Comic Sans" are not the same. It is case sensitive and needs to have the proper hyphens. Depending on what font you are trying to change the location and coding could be different. I can not access your blog to change if for you. Sorry but I try not to get into doing that for safety and blame reasons. If you were to tell me what font you want to change and you blog URL, I might be able to help you with your issue.


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