Translate This Blog
Always Remember To Back Up Your Template Before Attempting Any Of The Tweaks On This Site

Do to error codes you should use the old interface when attempting many of these tweaks to your template

Language Translator Gadget

Their are thousands of online language translators out there, including many that Blogger provides. But none of them are quite like this one. If you look at the top of this blog you can see it for yourself.  The reason this one is different is because it integrates Google Search Translator into its system.  So instead of using one of those translators Blogger provides where your viewers have to copy and paste content into the box and hit translate. This one translates all content within the page on the same page at once. Your visitor can surf your blog and see everything in his or her language without leaving your site. Although the page is viewed from a frame you will still be getting credit for all your ad impressions and the stats will pick up every page load.

I can not take credit for this tweak because a good friend of mine designed it. So I will direct you to his site to get instructions on how to add this to your blog. Cumulus Language Translator


  1. Pls give a demonstration for how to add this gadget in Blog (with examples) . Pls do it for all of the Blog Users .

  2. Just copy the code provided and paste it in a HTML/JavaScript gadget. Then replace the red URL in the code with your own blog URL.

  3. Actually, Your good friend, and I, designed it.


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