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PayPal On Blogger

Paypal offers many types of services allowing users to to turn their sites into a store if needed. In this post I will go over how to use a bunch of their options with Blogger. I will not be going over any of their advanced options for Paypal members only.

Scroll down for the Buy Now button.

Donate Button:

With this option you can add a donate button to your site allowing visitors who appreciate you blog to donate money to you.

1.)  Sign into your Paypal account

2.)  Go to Merchant Services

3.)  Select the Donate button from the Create Buttons list.

4.)  Set up the specs for your button.

Their are many options you can use to set up your button and most of these are self explanatory. For most these options you have no need for because its just a simple donate button.

5.)   Click the Save option at the bottom when your done and it should take you to a output code for your button.

6.)  Sign into Blogger 

The best place for a donate button would be in a gadgets rather then in a post. The more people who see the button the better chance you have to get a donation. So hiding it in a post or page will not do any good.

7.)  Go to Design--> Page Elements--> Click Add Gadget--> Add a HTML/Javascript gadget

8.) Paste the Paypal code into the gadget and save it.

Buy Now Button:

The Buy Now button has many uses and options to choose from. The options you choose for this button all depends on your blog and items your selling.

1.)  Sign into your Paypal account

2.)  Go to Merchant Services

3.)  Select the Buy Now button from the Create Buttons list.

4.)  Set up the specs for the Buy Now Button.

I will try to go over the specs in this section and when to use them as best I can below.

Item name:
This is very important so you can identify what item the user bought. Without this field you may find your button completely useless.

Item ID:
This is a addition to the Item name option and will help you track and bill items easily. Starting off you may not find much need for this but once you start selling items everyday you will be glad you added this option. 

This is the base price of the item without shipping or tax included. You will not need to add the price in this field if you are using a drop down list.

I am going to skip over the next section for later and more on to the sections below them.

This is how much is going to be added on to the item for your cost to ship the item to the buyer. Sometimes you may just want to leave this blank and include the cost in the Price field.

Price is $10.00 USD
Shipping is  $2.00 USD
Total Cost is $12.00 USD

I would recommend not using this option and just leaving it blank. It will be easier on you and the buyer for you just to round up the price to a even number instead of trying to add a tax percent into the item. If you do decide to use this option make sure to look up what the exact tax rate for your area.

The next options are for customize buttons. You will use these depending on the item your selling.

Add drop-down menu with price/option: 
This is good for when you have items of the same type and need to use different prices for them. A good example would be if you were selling jewelry and have them in gold and silver. 

( Please don't buy this item, its just a example and I do not have this item or are they for sell on this site )


Add drop-down menu:  
This is good for items such as clothing when you need he buyer to pick a size or color but the price for different sizes or colors are the same.

(Please don't buy this item, its just a example and I do not have this item or are they for sell on this site)

Pick Size And Color

Add Text Field: 
 This is used when the buyer may need to add in custom details to the item they are buying. This is used mostly with engraved items and such.

( Please don't buy this item, its just a example and I do not have this item or are they for sell on this site )

Engraving on Ring (Max 20 Characters)

5.)  After you have set up the button to the correct specs you will need to save it and it will generate a code to use.

6.)  On Blogger in the post where you have the details for this item you just set up, you will need to place the button code.  Make sure you are in Edit HTML mode in the post editor and not Compose when pasting the code in. Also make sure to paste the code in the correct place on your post. You don't want to confuse your buyers with having the wrong button under the wrong item.

Remember the Buy Now button is not a one time thing and you must make this button for each item you are selling. If you are selling something like post cards or images and the price for all of them are the same you maybe able to make just one button and use the Add drop-down menu: button in place of multiple buttons


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