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Site Counter

To get a site counter on you site you need to sign up for this StatCounter.

Now this is very useful because it logs everyone that comes into your site.

It will also give you some info on that person. Here is a list of some of the info you will receive.

IP Address
Internet Serves Provider
Screen Resolution.
Operating Systems
Link Came From
Page Came In On
Page Left On
The Keywords they used to find your site in search.

This also tells you how many page loads and visitors you have a day, week, month, year.

Now this is a handy tool to have not only because of the info it gives you on a person but because it tells you what people are interested in when they come on your site.

This is helpful because you know how to better manage your site.

To place the Stat Counter just simply place the code it gives you in a HTML/javascrpt gadget from with in the Page Elements.

You can also send out the logs into emails. This is useful if you have someone on your site that clicking your ads to get your ad account banned. Or whatever the reason is you have proof.
Sometimes you just want to check out how many view  post individually have.. You can create a different stat counter project for each post. This will keep track of the view to each post its self. Just place the code for the counter in the Post Editor  section that says Edit HTML.

With this  Stat Counter and some other Tools you can even block IP addresses from your site.


  1. Hi, thanks for all your good tips, Eric.
    I just signed up to follow and I feel much better knowing I have someone to help when I need it. I appreciate it very much.

  2. Oh, and I meant to ask that if I don't have any songs on my Player, does just having the player on my blog drain it? I love music but realize it slows my blog load time down really bad. So, I took the music off for the most part. Every now and then, I put a song on so I hate to delete my player.

  3. Having it on your site still sequences a retrieve and load process by the browser. So although less songs may speed up the process it will still be draining your load speed. But Their is a solution to this. If you use the Hide/Show Contentbutton and set it to hide by default. Then you can stop this from loading when your blog loads. You could title the button as "Show Music Player" or something like that. This giving your users a choice to have the player opened. You could also use post the player in a blog post. Then link the player into a text or HTML gadget using Open Link In New Window Tweak.


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